Monday, April 23, 2012

Wednesday Gouache 9

This tight, clumsy sketch is the kind of thing that happens when you haven't had class in 4 weeks. Onward! Keep painting!


  1. I actully like this..." tight, clumsy " that the drawing or the pose itself ? :)

  2. You always like the ones I don't! The pose was a little awkward too, now that I think of it ...

  3. You always like the ones I don't!


    Also I'm not looking at the drawings themselves, but a photo file. they might smooth out more for me as a result....can't say .

    Your command of legs and feet seem firmer than the upper body
    generally now I think about it ....where do you start a drawing? It just seems the lower limbs get some added attention and are bit more resolved. Perhaps it's about the wish to "ground" the figure frimly ?

  4. I agree that I'm at my best from the waist down. I have no idea why this is.
